Lebanon Presbyterian Church

Grace is Lived Here

A Place Where:
Skeptics are Welcome
Broken Lives are Mended

Jesus Christ is The Message

March 23rd - No Sunday School!

Church will be held at The Church of the Blue Ridge

9357 Critzer Shop Road in Afton


Sunday Worship at 10:45am

Current Sermon Series - The Gospel of Luke

Sunday School is held from 9:30am - 10:30am

We have classes for all ages

The Adult Sunday School class is studying the Gospel of Luke

And the Westminster Catechism

The Children of Lebanon are learning:

That Jesus Is God's Son (Toddlers to Kindergarten)

God's Design For Worship (Elementary and Middle School)

Lebanon Mission Statement

We glorify God by making disciples of Jesus, who make disciples.

Lebanon Vision Statement

To be an equipping outpost that sends disciples

into the community for Kingdom impact.



We are delighted you have discovered our presence on the Internet. You are probably wondering what kind of church Lebanon EPC is. Simply put:

We are committed to the Great Commission which our Savior Jesus Christ gave first to his disciples and has subsequently passed on to us, His Church, the Body of Christ.

Our goal is to promote the Gospel of Christ in the lives of those in our community and around the world. We do this through our worship and our witness. Jesus Christ is the center of our worship and our witness.

We are committed to discipleship which means cultivating hearts for God and minds for His Truth.

We are committed to Gospel-centered community where our lives are knit together around the redeeming grace of Jesus Christ.